Banks require businesses, trusts, estates and sole proprietors to have a Federal Tax ID (EIN) in order to open a bank account or apply for a line of credit. You can not open a business bank account for a business within the United States without a filing Articles of Incorporation.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all businesses to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax ID, for filing taxes. Unless filing for a sole proprietorship your State requires you to file Articles of Incorporation.
Business and sole proprietors may use their Federal Tax ID numbers (EIN) for all business activity in place of their Social Security Number to protect against identity theft. You can also help protect your identity by processing business transactions through an LLC or Corporation.
Banks require Limited Liability Companies (LLC), Corporations of all types, Trusts, Estates and Sole Proprietors to have a Federal Tax ID (EIN) in order to open a bank account or apply for a line of credit. Already have your State Certificate? Apply for your EIN here.
If you're obtaining an EIN for an LLC, or Corporation of any type, you are required to file Articles of Incorporations with your Secretary of State. File all required State and Federal forms with just one easy application.